Singapore Scott 0

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Singapore Scott 0 on Cover
1953 Soldier's Air Mail letter with mixed franking and redirected, originating in Changi, Singapore franked with 3x 3½d K George V (Sc 284) and tied with manuscript to Barcelona, where additional surcharged Aden stamps (Sc 39, 42) were affixed (160¢) and tied with 4 May 53 "Aden" cds, with "Barcelona" 7 May 53 black receiver rerouted to London with "Barcelona" 2 Jul 53 and showing rare framed ‘DEVUELVASE/A SU PROCEDENCIA/RETOUR/A L’ENYOYEUR’ and purple ‘RETOUR’ in arrow, it was received "London" 6 \ July \ 53 receiver, arrived back in "Singapore P.O." 30 Sep 53 and then back to "1 Oct 1953 \ Headquarters \ Far Eastern Air Force", a very interesting and scarce cover with many scarce handstamps.

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